The James h. Provost Memorial Lecture Series

The Seventeenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2023
Speaker: His Eminence Cardinal Seán O'Malley, OFM Cap. 
Archbishop of Boston  
"Migration and Immigration: A Challenge of Our Time for the Church and State"

The Sixteenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 26, 2019
Speaker: Reverend John Beal, Ordinary Professor 
The Catholic University of America; School of Canon Law  
"There are More Things in Heaven and Earth Than are Dreamt of in Your Code: The Relevance of Social Science for Canon Law"

The Fifteenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2018
[Lecture cancelled; inclement weather; text published in The Jurist.]
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Helmut Pree
Ludwig-Maximilian-University; Catholic Theology Faculty 
"HUMAN RIGHTS- A Challenge to Canon Law?"

The Fourteenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 30, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Ladislas Orsy, S.J.
Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center
"The Vitality of Vatican Council II"

The Thirteenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 10, 2016
Speaker: Archbishop Bernard Hebda
Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark; Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
“Where Canon Law Connects with Caritas: The Norms of  Intima Ecclesiae Natura. A Year of Mercy Examination of Challenges to Compliance in a US Context”

The Twelfth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 19, 2015
Speaker: Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio
Archbishop of the Military Services, USA
"The Pastoral Dimension of the Office of Papal Representatives"

The Eleventh Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 20, 2014
Speaker: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
"The Relation between the Apostolic Signatura and the Local Church"

The Tenth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 14, 2013
[Lecture cancelled; papal conclave; text published in The Jurist.]
Speaker: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
"The Role of the Apostolic Signatura in the Life of the Church"

The Ninth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2012
Speaker: Dr. Anne Asselin
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada
"Pastoral Associates and Removal from Office: Seeking Justice and Fairness"

The Eighth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 24, 2011
Speaker: Prof. dr. E.C. Coppens
Professor of History of Law at Radboud University in Nijmegen Netherlands
"Misericordia: extra Codicem, in Justitia. A Historical View on the Jurisdictional Limits of Codified Law"

The Seventh Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 18, 2010
Speaker: His Grace, Roland Minnerath, Archbishop of Dijon France
"Relationship between Church and State"

The Sixth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 18, 2009
Speaker: Klaus Lüdicke, J.C.D.
Professor of Theology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
"A Theory of Bonum Coniugum"

The Fifth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 03, 2008
Speaker: Rev. James A. Coriden, J.C.D., J.D.
"Enduring Parishes, Emerging Ministries"

The Fourth Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2007
Speaker: Rev. Lawrence Wrenn, J.C.D.
"The Life, Death and Possible Rescue of the Summary Process"

The Third Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 23, 2006
Speaker: Rev. Nikolaus Schöch, O.F.M.
Defender of the Bond of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
"Relegation of Churches to Profane Use (c. 1222, § 2) - Reasons and Procedure"

The Second Annual James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 10, 2005
Speaker: Rev. Professor Roch Pagé, Professor of Canon Law, St. Paul's Ottawa, Canada
"The Future of Parishes and the Present Canonical Legislation"

The Inaugural James H. Provost Memorial Lecture - March 18, 2004
Speaker: Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, S.T.L., Ph.D.
"James Provost: Canon Law in the Service of Communion"