Towards a Ministry of Reconciliation
For program flyer 
Registration for the Institute is now OPENED. Register here.
Institute on Matrimonial Tribunal Practice
Continuing a tradition that began in 1967, the School of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America offers its Institute on Matrimonial Tribunal Practice. The Institute, scheduled in June and held at the Theological College on the University campus, is designed for clergy, religious and laity who have not had formal training in canon law or Tribunal activity. It enriches those with Tribunal experience, helps initiate those without it, and gives all an opportunity to reflect in depth on the Church's teaching and sacred discipline on holy matrimony.
Dr. William Daniel, J.C.D., Director and Associate Professor, Catholic University
The Reverend John P. Beal, J.C.D., Assistant Director and Ordinary Professor, Catholic University
Mr. Timothy Cavanaugh, J.C.L., Defender of the Bond, Tribunal of the Diocese of Madison
Mr. Vincent Gardiner, J.C.L. Chancellor and Judge, Diocese of Cleveland
The Reverend Alexander Laschuk, J.C.D., Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of Toronto
The Reverend Msgr. C. Michael Padazinski, J.C.D., Chancellor, Archdiocese of San Francisco
Ms. Grace-Ann Lewis, Assistant Dean, School of Canon Law
The Institute provides an overview of the history and Church's teaching on marriage, an introduction to the terms and concepts of the Church's marriage law, and an explanation of the procedures and jurisprudence that apply to marriage nullity trials carried out in Church Tribunals today. In addition, case study sessions are used to add a practical dimension to the program.
Past participants include those involved in parish ministry and Tribunal work, as well as others interested in the subject matter.