First, Second, and Third Cycle
First Cycle
The study of canon law presupposes a theological foundation. For those who do not possess an advanced degree in theology or who have had no previous training in philosophy, 24 graduate credits in theology (8 courses or two semesters) are required, covering (in general) dogmatic theology, ecclesiology, sacramental theology, and moral theology.
The First Cycle completion qualifies a student to enter the Second Cycle (the regular Licentiate in Canon Law, J.C.L) degree program).
Students interested in applying to the Second Cycle and who have earned an undergraduate degree (or minored) in theology or have taken graduate theology courses are invited to submit an unofficial transcript of their coursework and course descriptions to the Admissions Committee of the School which will determine if this background suffices to enter the Second Cycle.
Second Cycle
Second Cycle refers to the six semesters in which students study the governing norms of the Catholic Church; upon successful completion of the requirements, the student earns the Licentiate in Canon Law.
The purpose of the six-semester licentiate program is to help the student become acquainted with the whole corpus of church law, understand it in terms of its theological, philosophical, and historical background, and learn the method and practice of scientific research. The level of research for the licentiate is that expected of professional canonists, specifically the exacting investigation of canonical questions encountered in curial, tribunal, and similar practice, and the articulation of one's findings in written opinions and briefs.
Third Cycle
Third Cycle refers to further juridical formation and the writing of the doctoral dissertation; upon successful completion of the requirements, the student earns the doctor of canon law degree.
For admission to Candidacy for the Doctorate, the student must have successfully received the licentiate degree and demonstrated superior academic ability as demonstrated by achievement of an overall A- average in the various components of the licentiate program (i.e., coursework, thesis, comprehensive examination) taken in the aggregate. However, within this overall average, the grade for the thesis must be at least A -.
Before a formal submission of the proposal for the doctoral dissertation, a candidate must demonstrate a fluency in canonical Latin and pass proficiency examinations in two modern languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French) administered by the School of Canon Law. Fulfilling these requirements allows the student to request the Faculty admit the student into the Doctoral Program.