Four Summer Degree Program
The School of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America offers a summer program leading to the licentiate degree in canon law (J.C.L.). The four summer program is designed to acquaint participants with the whole body of church law, leading to an understanding of its theological, philosophical and historical background, and introducing them to the practice of canon law. The program includes four summers of courses, and online courses classes during the year; the thesis and the oral comprehensive examination are normally completed in the fourth summer.
The course of studies is as follows:
Summer 1
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 711 (3 credits) |
General Norms I |
CL 721 (3 credits) |
Particular Church |
CL 731 (3 credits) |
Sacramental Law |
CL 734 (3 credits) |
Juridical Structure of Matrimony |
Fall 1 (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 701 (3 credits) |
History of Canon Law |
Latin 501B (3 academic credits / 1 financial credit) |
Latin 501B |
Spring 1 (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 712 (3 credits) |
General Norms II |
Latin 502B (3 academic credits / 1 financial credit) |
Latin 502B |
Summer II
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 715 (3 credits) |
American Law |
CL 7124 (3 credits) |
Consecrated Life |
CL 726 (2 credits) |
Lay Ministry |
CL 741 (4 credits) |
Procedural Law |
Fall II (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 728 (3 credits) |
Supradiocesan Structures |
Latin 505B (3 academic credits / 1 financial credit) |
Latin 505B |
Spring II (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 720 (3 credits) |
Ordained Ministry |
Summer III
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 716 (3 credits) |
Religious Liberty |
CL 750 (2 credits) |
Teaching Office |
CL 751 (3 credits) |
Sanctions |
CL 744 (3 credits) |
Temporal Goods |
Fall III (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 739 (3 credits) |
Matrimonial Jurisprudence |
Spring III (Online)
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 760 (2 credits) |
Roman Law |
Summer IV
Course Number |
Course Description |
CL 746 (3 credits) |
Protection of Rights |
CL 771 (3 credits) |
Eastern Law |
CL 727 (3 credits) |
Philosophy and Theology of Law |
CL 996 (1 credit) |
Thesis Guidance |
CL 968A w/classes or CL 968B w/o classes (1 credit) |
Comprehensive Examination |