Professional memberships/activities:
- Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo (2011-present)
- Canon Law Society of America (2004-present)
Ministerium Iustitiae
"Ministerium Iustitiae." Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. Official Latin with English Translation, Gratianus Series (Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur Ltée, 2011).
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The Art of Good Governance
The Art of Good Governance. A Guide to the Administrative Procedure for Just Decision-Making in the Catholic Church, Gratianus Series (Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur Ltée, 2015).
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Decisions of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and the Tribunal of the Roman Rota published in The Jurist (Washington, D.C.), Studia canonica (Ottawa) and Monitor Ecclesiasticus (Rome).
Latest Publications
“The Canonical Norms Governing the Judicial Examination or Interrogations: Their Purpose, Implementation, and Non-Observance.” The Jurist 78 (2022) 137–202.
“Commemorative Notes on Father Ignacio Gordon, S.J.’s Contribution to Canonical Procedural Law.” Periodica 111 (2022) 3–31.
“The Apostolic See’s Vigilance over the Administration of Justice.” In Studi sul diritto del governo e dell’organizzazione della Chiesa in onore di Mons. Juan Ignacio Arrieta. Edited by Jesús Miñambres, Benedict N. Ejeh, and Fernando Puig, 1:453–472. Venice: Marcianum Press, 2021.
“Error Determining the Will (c. 1099) as an Autonomous Caput nullitatis in Rotal Jurisprudence.” The Jurist 77 (2021) 407–463.
“The Discussion of the Cause (CIC cc. 1601–1606): Technical Procedural Dialectic and Interpretation of the Meaning of the Proofs.” The Jurist 77 (2021) 125–196.
“La normalización del proceso penal extrajudicial (can. 1720). Análisis, crítica, propuestas” [“The Normalization of the Extrajudicial Penal Process (can. 1720). Analysis, Critique, Proposal.”] Ius Canonicum 61 (2021) 65–98.
“Interlocutory Observations on Legislative Technique in the Pontificate of Pope Francis (March 2013–October 2020).” CLSA Proceedings 82 (2020) 22–58.
“Dicasterial Sources Supplemental to the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex (2015–2020).” Studia canonica 54 (2020) 407–455.
“El Litis contestatio en el proceso penal canónico” [“The Litis contestatio in the Canonical Penal Trial”]. Ius Canonicum 60 (2020) 567–607.
“The Universal Regulation of the Administration of Justice in the Church.” In “Opus humilitatis iustitia.” Studi in memoria del Cardinale Velasio De Paolis. Edited by Luigi Sabbarese, 3:281–297. Rome: Urbaniana University Press, 2020.
“The Principle of Collegiality in the Exercise of Judicial Power in the Church.” Studia canonica 53 (2019) 369–429.
“The Universality of the Ordo iudiciarius of the Church.” Studia canonica 52 (2018) 407–441.
“The Reservation to the Judicial Vicar of the Introductory Stage of the Ordinary Marriage Nullity Process.” In A Service Beyond All Recompense. Studies Offered in Honor of Msgr. Thomas J. Green. Edited by Kurt Martens, 165–180. Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2018.
“‘Accountability’ and the Juridical Responsibility of the Public Ecclesiastical Administration.” Ius Ecclesiae 30 (2018) 33–54.
“Recent Rotal Jurisprudence concerning the Nullity of the Definitive Sentence.” Periodica 106 (2017) 491–536.
“The Challenge of the Definitive Sentence by the Defender of the Bond in Causes of Nullity of Marriage.” CLSA Proceedings 78 (2016) 106–157.
“The ‘Appellatio mere dilatoria’ in Causes of Nullity of Marriage. A Contribution to the General Theory of the Appeal against a Definitive Sentence,” Studia canonica 50 (2016) 383-452.
“The Notion of Canonical Jurisprudence and its Application to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota and Causes of Nullity of Marriage,” The Jurist 76 (2016) 197-229; Justice and Mercy Have Met. Pope Francis and the Reform of the Marriage Nullity Process, ed. Kurt Martens (Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2017) 271-303.
“The Singular Administrative Act in Canon Law,” Studia canonica 50 (2016) 175-247.
“Note” on Three Decisions Excardinationis impositae of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Monitor Ecclesiasticus 130 (2015) 367-371.
“The Abbreviated Matrimonial Process before the Bishop in Cases of ‘Manifest Nullity’ of Marriage,” The Jurist 75 (2015) 539-591.