Professional memberships/activities:
- Canon Law Society of America
- Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland
- Ecclesiastical Law Society
- Ecclesiastical History Society
- Society for Catholic Liturgy (Board Member)
- Committee on Clergy, Canon Law Society of America
- Book Review Editor, Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal
- Editorial Board, The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry
- Scientific Council, Forum Canonicum
- Editorial Board, Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland Newsletter
“To Set Forth His Most Worthy Praise: An Overview of Divine Worship: Daily Office (Commonwealth Edition),” Ecclesia Orans 39 (2022) 5-27.
“Liturgical and Juridical Identity in Anglicanorum Coetibus,” Antiphon 25 (2021) 269-286.
“Salus Animarum: Some Examples of the Administration of Viaticum to Plague Victims in the Post-Tridentine Period,” Studia Canonica 55 (2021) 195-207.
“Increase in Wisdom and Stature: Personal Ordinariates from Benedict XVI to Francis,” The Jurist 77 (2021) 49-72.
“The Virtue of Religion: The Irreducible Essence of the Anglican Patrimony,” in The Anglican Patrimony in Catholic Communion. The Gift of the Ordinariates, ed. Tracey Rowland (London: Bloomsbury, 2021) 75-84.
“Text-Community-Identity: Divine Worship as a Project of Liturgical Text Preservation” in The Sacred and the Everyday. Comparative Approaches to Literature, Religious and Sacred. ICLA Conference Macao 2019, ed. Stephen Morgan (University of Saint Joseph Press / Renmin University of China Press, 2021) 53-65.
“Extreme Unction in Extreme Times: The Use of an Instrument in the Anointing of the Sick,” in Gottesdienst auf eigene Gefahr? Worship at Your Own Risk? Die Feier der Liturgie in der Zeit von Covid-19, ed. by Hans-Jürgen Feulner and Elias Haslwanter (Münster: Aschendorff, 2020) 589-599.